panoramic image of clinical simulation

Welcome to UAB Clinical Simulation

UAB Clinical Simulation develops, delivers, and supports procedural, immersive, and systems simulations carefully designed for learners. Our team of skilled professionals collaborates with content experts from the various involved professions to deliver valuable, high-quality simulation events.

Simulation is a proven training strategy for all members of the health care team. The simulated setting provides a psychologically safe environment for care providers to practice procedures and high-risk clinical situations. Simulation improves patient safety and generates cost savings for the institution.

For these and many other reasons, we will always advise you to “SimFirst”, no matter the procedure, event, space or process.

Our Team

A group of men and women smiling in green clinical scrubs

Back Row (from left): Ben Whitaker, Jobin Abraham, Emma Bertolaet, Markie Clement, April Belle, Greg LaFollette, Briana Miller, Nicole Temple

Middle Row (from left): Ca’Nesia Jackson, Carlyssa Boyd, Bonny Joly, Monica Dent, Andres Viles, Mercedees Willis, Jordan Whaley, Kelly Markham, Frank Ruggiero, Marjorie Lee White

Front Row (from left): Lisa Bergman, Diana Darr, Andrea Hammett, Aja Burgin, Eunice Choe

Clinical Sim News

UAB Mobile Sim delivers obstetric emergency training

This past February, the UAB Mobile Simulation team visited J. Paul Jones Hospital and Cahaba Medical Care in Camden, Ala., as well as Greene County Hospital in Eutaw, Ala., to deliver simulation experiences focused on rapid labor, more commonly known as precipitous delivery.